1979 Miss Circus Circus U-31 |
Boat Statistics
The model: Tim bought this boat from Nels Enquist and has run it very well since then. It was 5th in season points in 2021. The boat was originally build by Jeff Campbell for David Newton, who completed the hull before selling it. In 2010 the boat was rebuilt by Steve Dumanis somewhere along the line, Mark Beatty was involved in the finishing. Tim has been getting a lot out of this boat and continues to tweak on it. The real boat: This boat was built in the Norm Berg shop along side the other cathedral winged boat, Squire Shop. The boats were identical except the Squire was built of wood and the Circus was made of honeycomb aluminum. Steve Reynolds first made his mark in unlimiteds driving this boat impressively and quickly became a thorn in the side of Bill Muncey's "Blue Blaster".