Become a
Classic Thunder Sponsor! We at Classic Thunder would like to thank all of the individuals, communities, businesses and organizations who have contributed as sponsors. They make it possible for us to share our club with the many hydroplane fans in western Washington (and throughout the World Wide Web). Many of the fun events, fantastic prizes and great race locations can be attributed to our sponsors’ generosity and positive input. What does it take to become
a Classic Thunder sponsor? First, contact our Sponsorship/Marketing Coordinator. The Coordinator will act as a liaison for our events and will work directly with the sponsors. We will always work closely with a sponsor to assure that their contributions are distributed in the manner in which they were intended. We are very flexible in our quest for sponsorship, but have come up with some basic sponsorship levels for your consideration. They are listed below with an explanation of their associated requirements and benefits. Some of our most successful events have been due, in part, to a sponsor’s original ideas. The site will be updated on a regular and timely basis before and after each event. Season Sponsors are those who contribute at least $500 in products or currency to be used by the club over an extended time. We would generally use these products or cash to facilitate our events for at least half of our racing season. Season Sponsors will have their logo on the front page of our website throughout their sponsorship year. Their logo would also appear on various other site pages and club publications (such as schedule flyers and programs). If the sponsor has their own web site, each logo will act as a link to that site. If the sponsor has a banner, we would proudly display it at all of our season events.
Event Sponsors are those who contribute at least $100 in products or currency to be used by the club during an event. We would generally use these products or cash to facilitate that event alone. We have had sponsors contribute competition prizes, drawing prizes, food and drinks as well as race locations and other needed facilities. Event Sponsors will have their logo on the front page of our web site as part of the announcement of the event. Normally the announcements are made at least two weeks prior to the event, depending on scheduling. Their logo would also appear on various other site pages and club publications (such as schedule flyers and programs). If the sponsor has their own web site, each logo will act as a link to that site. If the sponsor has a banner, we would proudly display it at the event they are sponsoring.
General Sponsors are those who contribute less than $100 in products or currency to be used by the club. This contribution could be used during an event or at any time based on the wishes of the sponsor. We have had individual heats sponsored by businesses and individuals within the communities that we happen to be racing in. All of these contributions add to the fun for spectators and participants alike. No contribution is too small to be appreciated. We are always looking for sponsors and welcome questions you may have about our club. Thank you for your time and consideration. We look forward to hearing from you and welcoming you to the Classic Thunder racing family. Sincerely, The members of Classic Thunder
Contact Classic Thunder Executive Committee