1969 Golden Komotion U-29 |
Boat Statistics
The model: Mike worked on this model for over three years while he was also building his new house in Kent. He has always built boats that were either from low budget teams or of unusal designs and this boat is no exception. It did show some good speed down the chutes and cornered much better than expected because of its narrow design. It may be a surprise contender. He debuted the unique boat at the 2012 Silver Cup and it immediately became a club favorite. The real boat: The boat was the first to attempt to use a turbine engine as a power plant. Don Edwards of drag boat fame hired world record straight-away boat builder Rich Hallet (Lee Taylor's Hustler jet boat) to built an unlimited and use an Allison T40 turbine. The boat was 30 feet long and just over 11 feet wide and used a v-drive gear box. Bad luck hit the team when they were testing the turbine engine and it exploded and burned, without an engine they planned to use a piston Allison, but it was never completed so the boat disappeared from the racing scene.